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Sunday, November 19, 2017

Who's ready for Thanksgiving?

I'm definitely not ready and can't believe that it's already November 19. With the holidays and an expected move in December, I'm trying to get the personal stuff in order as much as possible.

Jeffrey had a look at the unit we're interested in and is now on-board with the idea of moving. It would be downsizing, so he would share a room with Ethan. The living room is quite spacious and the plan would be to have the boys bedroom be for sleeping only with their clothes and storage in their closet. I've been looking at a few different ideas for bunk beds.

Today was full of errands and I've started going through our stuff to try to purge a bunch of things. I went through much of our DVDs and books earlier this week. We'd been holding onto a lot of Ethan's clothes to pass along to my sister-in-law. We had almost a full bin of 9 month clothing that didn't get used so that's going...going...gone. Scaling back on the things we're keeping from Jeffrey to Ethan helped too.

Then, I had to start digging into my yarn stash. What a nightmare! I definitely have a problem. I pulled out all of my partially completed projects.

You can see the mound of  projects. There are a few that I'll try to finish. I'm getting rid of the rest of the UFOs (unfinished objects). I didn't even get through all of the bins this evening.

Some of the items are done besides a few hidden ends, so I'll get those it finished and send most of them off to a charity that helps the homeless.

One Christmas I wanted to give Groots. Each time I talked about it someone more wanted one so I gave up having three of them mostly done.

Here is a great start on a lovely shawl. The yarn is a bamboo, which makes it super soft. It's a very delicate lace.

Here is hat that I made because I didn't have the patience to do an entire scarf in the lovely pattern.
Lastly, when I was going through my sons' clothing, I found a pair of socks that I knitted for Jeffrey a couple of years ago. He came to the yarn shop with me and picked out the yarn. They came out beautifully and he actually wore them (Don't mind the pocket change all over the floor and toys. The kids definitely made a mess this weekend).

I'm making progress on the test knit pattern and am excited to get that wrapped up quickly. Thankfully, the sleeves knit up faster.

Today will be big day. My nephew's first birthday party should be a hoot. It's so amazing to think it's almost been a year since he has arrived. He seems like such a cute, sweet, and good baby. I'm hoping my kids can behave.

I hope everyone has a great week and a nice Thanksgiving.

Happy crafting!

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