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Saturday, May 25, 2019

So much fun in the Knit-Crochetverse

Besides the current testing of some patterns for some fabulous designers, there is a lot of fun out there.

Having three shawls on my needles has been making me feel all shawled out. This should not dissuade you from the Aroha Knits KAL that will be starting. Frenchie is running it for several weeks and you can choose any of her shawl patterns. Frenchie re-released her Wheat Fields Shawl pattern this week, which was the idea behind a shawl KAL. I've been lucky enough to win a few prizes.

Merethe of NaasKnits has released a pattern today! It's a lovely lace cowl. Be sure to check out My Inner Wanderlust. Her sample looks amazing and I have a skein from one of Aroha Knits KAL that would be perfect. Here is an image of Merethe's sample. Buy it this weekend to get a discount and check out her newsletter for upcoming patterns!

The #kmoonkal ended today and sadly mine is not finished. The great part is that I plan to finish before the end of June. This is Brenda's Kimono Moon Shawl listed under Brenjsknits. I'm very fond of my Captain Marvel themed colors and can't wait to sport it upon completion.

Andrea Mowry is doing a fun challenge during this long weekend to knit one of her mosaic hats for her Shiftalong KAL. She released the gorgeous hat this week. I'm trying not to buy patterns, so thankfully I had one of her other mosaic hat patterns in my library. I cast on today and we'll see if I can have it done by Monday.

The next KAL that I have to tell you about is the My Favorite Murder Mystery Wrap which started today (5/25/18). This is going to be an intense project, but I really want keep up. I need to get the yarn wound. It is a mystery along, so I hope I like it! Also, a portion of the proceeds for the pattern sales is going towards an organization helping with the backlog of rape kits. The inspiration for this pattern is the My Favorite Murder Podcast, which was started back in 2016. I love true crime, so I'm giving this podcast a shot :).

We're getting settled into our new home and only have a couple of boxes left to unpack. I'm definitely planning to get through a chunk of my stash this year. Feel free to comment any projects you recommend. I want to continue doing garments and accessories for family, friends, and myself.

This post is light on the crochet, but I'll report back on that more soon.

Have a great week and happy crafting.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Personal Growth and Kick Starting Designing...Again...

I wanted to start with my favorite Dr. Who quote, which comes from the twelfth doctor:

"Human progress isn’t measured by industry. It’s measured by the value you place on a life. An unimportant life. A life without privilege. The boy who died on the river, that boy’s value is your value. That’s what defines a age. That’s what defines a species."

With everything going on in the world, I always like to reflect on our love for one another. Those we don't know and will never meet have value. We should strive to treat others better.

After that little note, I'd like to whine about defiant kids and not getting the Friday night off from my family. Those free nights come along so rarely that losing one is extremely disappointing.

I still made time for myself by getting a haircut. Beyond that, it looks like no quiet or peace for me... Upon that note, I'd like to say I'm thankful for my boys. They might drive me crazy, but I can't imagine my world without them.

On the knitting/crocheting front, I decided to start designing again. I wrote down 6 ideas that I have in mind and I'd like to have both knit and crochet patterns for each sketch. My goal is to spend on average about 30 minutes a day on designing until I'm done with my current test knitting.

I'm working on two shawls and I'm not really a shawl person. One is designed to use mini skeins, so it's a fabulous stash buster. The other is all one colorway with a lovely lace edge. The goal is to see how many pattern repeats I'll do and the overall measurements with two full skeins of yarn. I'll share more as I get closer to the end.

Lastly, did you see the awesome yarn clubs from Hedgehog Fibres? I've been in love with their yarn for so long. A squishy surprise in the mail for three months sounds wonderful. Check it out!!!

Happy crafting! Have a great week.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Moving, working, test knitting...Happy Mother's Day!

Once again I skipped a weekly post. We were readying for our big move to our first house. This is a defining time in our lives, and somehow it's not easy for me to relish the moment. We're so thankful to have the opportunity to own a home. We bought modestly and don't expect to trade up anytime soon. Here is a picture of a lovely surprise from our new home...roses!!!

One thing you learn when you move is how much stuff you have. Oh...too much stuff. My yarn addiction was clearly reflected. I moved all of the yarn bins myself and after 10 bins later, I realized I needed to knit/crochet more and buy less. I still want to support yarn dyers and producers, so I'll be sure to feature things I've finished with my great love, yarn.

Buying electronic patterns doesn't have the same sting, but I'm realizing that I have more than I could ever make. And, what shiny new thing will catch my eye next? I did purchase Boyland Knits' most recent pattern in her Knitaly series Navelli. Isn't the sample lovely!?!!

I've enjoyed working on the Kimono Moon KAL, which I intend to knit while finally viewing the Avengers movie this weekend. I've used a navy blue and golden yellow from Yarn Over New York, so why not add red and make a Captain Marvel Shawl?

I'm testing patterns as well, which I definitely need to take a break from doing. This summer will be knitting fabulous sweater patterns and crocheting produce bags and blankets.

Happy Mother's Day to all mothers out there! Whether you're grandmother, dog mother, teacher...any kind of mother, I wish you a wonderful day.