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Sunday, May 1, 2022

Did you partake in LYS Day?

Yesterday (4/30/22) marked Local Yarn Store (LYS) Day. I've happened upon this day accidentally a few times. It falls within a few weeks of my typical professional work deadline, and I'm always eager to treat myself after the long hours leading up to the deadline.

I didn't make it out this year, but I was able to tech edit a pattern that was released on LYS Day. In a small way I feel like I participated :). As many have shared on social media, if you didn't participate, it's not too late support small LYS or indie dyers. My April skein of Yarn Over New York's Yarn Explorer's Club is in the mail. The space theme is wonderful, and I am looking forward to knitting/crocheting up January and February. Notably, I missed March, which related to my busy season and my desire to give up crafty purchases during Lent. Hoping to treat myself to the May colorway. It sounds lovely!!!

I'm keeping this short, but there is more to come.

Happy crafting!