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Saturday, February 12, 2022

New Year New Outlook!!!

I haven't posted much over the last couple of years. There is plenty that I've wanted to say and do, but the motivation to post and share has waned. 

I've been crafting a ton and there are some fun developments that I'm excited to share.

Crafting goals for 2022 -

  • Knit 12 pairs of socks (I've now completed two - I'm letting myself do shorties and DK weight socks during busy season)
  • Make a square a week for an advent pattern (I have eight completed so far)
  • Design a pattern and publish it on Raverly
  • Tech edit at least one design for money
  • Develop relationships with three designers/publications
  • Use more of my stash than add to it

I'm in my day job busy season, but there is real hope of making these goals a reality. I'm taking a class from Tian Connaughton, check her classes out here. I'm thinking of joining her Pattern Partnership once I'm through the tech editing course. You can really hear and feel the coaching nature she has. I love that Tian wants you to get out there and see the value of what she brings.

I love the math of patterns and I've been test knitting for years. Bringing that together to support the creative community and to earn funds to support my family sounds amazing. My day job and professional career is nerdy, and math focused too. I've also been entrepreneurial in my career so selling my skills is not as scary as it would have been a few years ago. 

My new name is @bettyeditpdx on Instagram and I'm working on my website that will be bettyedit.com. In addition to the tech editing services, I want to share the pattens and yarn I love. My space is always one of love and inclusion. Featuring yarn and patterns from BIPOC makers is so easy with the amazing makers who are creating space and community.

More to come!