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Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Quick Fun Patriotic Headband Pattern

Here is a quick patriotic headband pattern. Someone else has probably thought of something similar, yet this is what I threw together with the hope that you'd have time to knit them up on one week. If I have time, I'll post a crochet pattern or two soon.

I used size 6 needles and sport weight acrylic yarn.

Cast on 32 stitches in red using the long tail cast on (leave yourself 6 - 8 inches for the tail).
Row 1: Knit red (cut yarn leaving 6 - 8 inches for the tail)
Row 2: Purl white
Row 3: Knit white (cut yarn)
Row 4: Purl red (cut yarn leaving 6 - 8 inches for the tail)

Repeat Rows 1 - 4 five more times.

Row 25; Knit red (don't cut yarn)
Row 26: Bind off stitches in the final row while purling in red. You should have 13 stripes.

On the side with the least amount of ends, pick up on 20 stitches with the right side facing up with the blue yarn. Purl the first row and work in stockinette stitch for a total of 19 rows and bind off.

Cut 10 - 12-inch strands of blue and attach to the blue side. I like using a basic fringe technique. We're only got to work one strand for each piece of fringe and place it every other row. Here's a helpful Youtube video:  Knitting Help - Adding Fringe. I use a crochet hook to add the fringe.

Weave in the ends on the wrong side in the joining of the blue.

Tie the white ends together, and red ends together. Trim up each side so that the ends are fairly consistent. You'll want 6 - 8 inches on each side. Then it's basically done. It will look rolled up, but when you tie it, you can get the ends to flex and stretch.

Alterations:  I have a fairly small head so consider adding 6 - 12 more rows of blue for an average female size head.

More modifications of this pattern to come along with better and brighter ideas. The best part of this project that it can be made in a single evening.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

This day in history...

Today is my hubby's birthday and I couldn't help looking up some historical facts. He studied history during his undergrad. Many things happened, but the big ones that I saw were:

  • Custer's Last Stand (Battle at Little Big Horn)
  • The start of the Korean War
  • The passing of Michael Jackson

In contrast to those big events, it's been a mostly quiet hot day here in Portland. It can be difficult to knit on these warm days. We purchased a lovely portable air conditioner. It's definitely helping. I'm working on my third and final test knit, which is definitely keeping me busy. I have a back panel, most of a sleeve, a cuff, and the start to the front and sides. The green sock yarn hasn't been making me too warm, thankfully.

In a moment of weakness I bought the newest issue of Interweave Crochet Spring 2017. The link will take you to the Ravelry page. So many of the patterns are amazing, yet I have my heart set on making The Unburdened Cardigan (maybe a bit shorter than shown) and the Urban Poncho. I have the yarn and the tools...just need the time. I have just a few weeks to finish the test knit, so I'm hoping there will be plenty of time before the rain returns.

In another moment of weakness I found out about the Knitpicks summer sale and splurged a tiny bit. The yarn below is primarily acrylic and very affordable. I love the Curio crochet thread so I bought a few of the sale colors. The black was the most on sale and I hope to crochet some lovely lace masquerade masks for Halloween. Two skeins of Hawthorne were ordered because the colors are so pretty.

You might have noticed the little baggies. Those are full of safety eyes.The intent with ordering this palette of acrylic yarn and eyes is to make more Star Wars characters for my brother-in-law and his kiddo. I purchased the newest kit made for Lucy Collin's patterns. I was so excited to get the pattern book. I remember ordering her patterns off of Etsy before they were licensed. In this book, there are even new characters from Episode VII.

Now I just have to pick which one to start...after the test knit. What's funny is that I couldn't quite remember which ones I had already made and given. I had made a mental list and then Sammy reminded me that I made Han Solo and Leia. I had to look at a post that Sammy remembered on another person's Facebook Timeline for me to remember. So, I think I've made 7 and there are so many more and accessories and patterns I still have from my purchase back in 2011. For some reason 2011 seems like ancient history now...time flies!

My first pattern post (which I'm hoping to have ready during the week to give people a week to make it for the 4th of July). It will be a kitschy 4th of July headband. I have ideas for two, but there isn't enough time. I'll add a link to Ravelry so that you can post your project (Please do! I agree with others that if you make something from a free pattern, post it!).

I'm using some of the newly purchased yarn to start. The blue is a bit dark, but so pretty in person.

It's time for you all to measure your heads and be ready for a simple patriotic headband. Ignore my crazy weekend wavy hair 😄.

My Ravelry ID is Lizziehutch if you want to go hunting for the pattern later. Have a great week and I'll post soon.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Summer Solstice

The longest day of the year is upon us. I've always enjoyed studying the ancient people around the world who've found ways to track these special days out of the year. Solar and astronomical calendars are amazing.

I'll be celebrating the day by posting and knitting. Here is some great news the Ariana Modular Shawl pattern has been posted. Check it out and show it some love:  Ariana Modular Shawl by Suzie Sparkles. It's a great pattern for self-striping yarn that you can put together as you create the motifs. Here is a picture of it after four rows.

The pattern is 25% off through June 26. No coupon code. Be sure to check out Suzie Sparkles other designs.

I'm going to make myself start posting basic patterns this summer and work on a few more complex things for the fall and winter months. By the end of July I will have one pattern posted!!! I said it :).

Have a fabulous start to your summer!

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Happy Father's Day

Wishing all the dads out there a spectacular day! We gave my husband his father's day present last weekend since we knew we'd be sharing a good chunk of father's day with his dad tomorrow. My hubby received PlayStation gift cards. I feel like everyone is on some screen in my household while I knit or crochet. Sometimes I even have a screen in front of me for a digital pattern.

A family friend wanted to learn to knit over the weekend, and she learned very quickly. I take no credit for that. It was fun seeing the beautiful tools that were being handed down to her from her grandmother. I had never seen the style of yarn swift that she had, and I can't locate a picture of it. 

If you're looking for a beginner knitting class there are some great ones locally here in Portland:

The internet is an amazing source for learning, especially if you know the specific thing you're stuck on. Here are great links to an intro to knitting and crochet videos. These are just a starting point. 

How to Crochet for Beginners by the Crochet Crowd (this has a great video list, check it out)

I commonly use the YouTube to help with a special stitch or to simply remember how to make one left versus make one right. I'm also appreciative of designers who include videos of any techniques in their pattern or links to great examples.

I'm so excited that I've wrapped a test crochet and I've done the minimum to be considered complete on a test knit. Now to focus on a lovely sweater and then I'll be done with the test-knitting/crocheting for a while. This top turned out great:  Pine Cross Summer Top

I'll share more pics of the other pattern when it's available for sale. 

I'm posting early and keeping it short this week. I'm hoping to get a lot of crafting done along with some prep for a case study that I'm hosting this week. There is always so much work :).

Have a great week! I'd like to post a little solstice note this week, but we'll see if I succeed.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Knitting Group Time!

Thankfully, I was able to see several of my crafting friends today at the knitting group. Now that I've attended two meetings in a row I'll be skipping again for a few weeks. Hearing life updates and seeing you all has been fantastic :). Hopefully, I'll be back late in June. Here is a picture of Margaret and Ellie from today.

I'll be showing my mother-in-law and a family friend how to knit next weekend. Wish me luck because I'm not an expert at teaching and I get frustrated if I'm not helpful. Sharing my love of crafting is always fun.

I'm wrapping up my two test projects and starting a third...bad bad me :). I put together the crochet top, and I knew that it would be too small. I was able to successfully pull it over my shoulders and put it on. Once the borders and straps are added, I don't think I'll have a chance. I'm thinking of sending it to a cousin's daughter who could wear it. She is much slimmer. The joys of youth.

I was trying to clear out a few boxes that haven't been emptied from moving months ago, and I found a sweater that I knitted that I can't get myself to wear in public. It's cute, but I don't wear much of my knitting beside hats, shawls, and scarves. Here it is. It's a modified pattern from an old copy of knitscene.

I spent a pretty penny on the yarn, and I think it turned out great. Maybe with the new pattern that I'm testing, I'll feel like sharing my completed knitting.

Time to gear up for another week of work and hopefully a fabulous Father's day weekend.

Wishing you all the best

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Crafting with Friends

It was very nice to see some of my crafting buddies today. The Tigo Knitting group started almost six and half years ago. We met at the original location of the group, a Starbucks in Tigard. The purpose of the group was to get to know other people and share something in common...crafting.

Although the Meetup is named after a shortened version of Tigard = Ti and Lake Oswego = Go, a meeting hasn't been in either city in a long time. The truth is that the group has never met in Lake Oswego. Since the early days of the group meeting in Tigard, we've bounced around a bit. As much as a Starbucks can be a great place to hang out, the noise of the people and espresso making can make chatting difficult. Now, most of our meetings are in Beaverton, to find nice quiet locations.

The crafty folks in this group have been a real blessing even when I haven't made it to a meeting in a long time. Building that sense of community is helpful especially when I had moved to Portland a couple of years before. With a little kid and a new job, there wasn't much time to get out and meet people. Feel free to join us if you're in the Portland area. Also, consider starting your own Meetup. You can curtail it any way you'd like it to be.

Thank you to Margaret and Shar who've been a big part of keeping the group going. I couldn't do it without you.

Ok, so here's what I've been looking at...Modular patterns to make chair covers for my dining room chairs. In my lack of forethought, I didn't consider that cream color seat cushions would not hold up well with two kids. After a night of pizza and a night of spaghetti, it's clear that the cream won't stay pristine. Of course, Ravelry has the answer!!! Atty van Norel has some great free crochet modular designs. Some openwork while others are solid. I hope to use a few different designs to make the covers. Machine washability is also a plus. Att.y's patterns feature join as you go, which I live. Having to sew things together later can make it difficult to finish a project.

Hopefully, I'll have a great picture or two of some things I'm knitting/crocheting. Have a wonderful week.